Mastering FastReport: The Ultimate Guide to Last Page Spacing of the GroupFooter
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Mastering FastReport: The Ultimate Guide to Last Page Spacing of the GroupFooter

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Are you tired of wrestling with FastReport’s GroupFooter spacing, only to end up with a mess on the last page of your report? Do you dream of having a perfectly formatted report, with just the right amount of whitespace between sections? Well, dream no more! In this in-depth guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of mastering the Last Page spacing of the GroupFooter in FastReport.

Understanding the GroupFooter Section

The GroupFooter section in FastReport is a powerful tool that allows you to summarize data and provide a conclusion to your report. However, it can also be a bit tricky to work with, especially when it comes to spacing. The GroupFooter section is typically used to display totals, averages, or other aggregate values for a group of data.

By default, the GroupFooter section is displayed at the bottom of each group of data, and it’s usually followed by a page break. However, when you’re dealing with a large report, you might want to adjust the spacing between the GroupFooter section and the next group of data, or even the next page.

The Problem with Last Page Spacing

The issue with Last Page spacing in FastReport arises when you try to adjust the spacing between the GroupFooter section and the next page. By default, FastReport will automatically insert a page break after the GroupFooter section, which can leave a large gap between the last page of the report and the footer.

This can be particularly problematic if you’re working with a report that has a lot of whitespace between sections, or if you’re trying to fit a large amount of data onto a single page. Fortunately, there are a few tricks you can use to master the Last Page spacing of the GroupFooter section.

Method 1: Using the Height Property

One of the simplest ways to adjust the Last Page spacing of the GroupFooter section is to use the Height property. By setting the Height property to a specific value, you can control the amount of whitespace between the GroupFooter section and the next page.

  <!-- Your GroupFooter content here -->

In this example, the Height property is set to 20, which means that the GroupFooter section will take up 20 units of height on the page. You can adjust this value to suit your needs, depending on the size of your report and the amount of whitespace you want to leave between sections.

Method 2: Using the Margin Property

Another way to adjust the Last Page spacing of the GroupFooter section is to use the Margin property. By setting the Margin property to a specific value, you can add whitespace between the GroupFooter section and the next page.

  <!-- Your GroupFooter content here -->

In this example, the Margin property is set to add 10 units of whitespace to the bottom of the GroupFooter section. This will push the next page down by 10 units, leaving a nice gap between the two.

Method 3: Using the NewPage Property

Finally, you can use the NewPage property to control the Last Page spacing of the GroupFooter section. By setting the NewPage property to False, you can prevent FastReport from inserting a page break after the GroupFooter section.

  <!-- Your GroupFooter content here -->

This can be particularly useful if you want to display multiple groups of data on the same page, without inserting a page break between each group.

Using Conditional Formatting

In addition to the methods above, you can also use conditional formatting to adjust the Last Page spacing of the GroupFooter section. By using conditional formatting, you can apply different formatting rules based on the page number or the group number.

    <Condition>{PageNumber} = {PageCount}</Condition>
  <!-- Your GroupFooter content here -->

In this example, the conditional formatting rule applies only to the last page of the report, and sets the Height property to 10. This can be useful if you want to leave a smaller gap between the GroupFooter section and the next page on the last page of the report.

Best Practices for Last Page Spacing

When it comes to Last Page spacing in FastReport, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use a consistent spacing scheme throughout your report to maintain a professional look and feel.
  • Experiment with different Height and Margin values to find the perfect balance for your report.
  • Use conditional formatting to apply different spacing rules based on the page number or group number.
  • Avoid using too much whitespace, as it can make your report look cluttered and disorganized.
  • Test your report with different data sets and page sizes to ensure that the Last Page spacing looks good in all scenarios.

Common Issues with Last Page Spacing

Despite the best practices above, you may still encounter some common issues with Last Page spacing in FastReport:

The GroupFooter section is overlapping with the next page. Increase the Height or Margin property of the GroupFooter section.
The GroupFooter section is not displaying on the last page of the report. Check that the NewPage property is set to False, and that the conditional formatting rules are correct.
The Last Page spacing is inconsistent throughout the report. Use a consistent spacing scheme throughout the report, and test with different data sets and page sizes.


Mastering the Last Page spacing of the GroupFooter section in FastReport takes practice and patience, but with these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to creating professional-looking reports with perfect spacing. Remember to experiment with different Height and Margin values, use conditional formatting to apply different spacing rules, and test your report with different data sets and page sizes.

By following these best practices and avoiding common issues, you’ll be able to create reports that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. So why wait? Start tweaking your FastReport designs today and take your reporting skills to the next level!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most pressing questions about FastReport’s Last Page spacing of the GroupFooter!

How do I control the spacing between the last page and the GroupFooter in FastReport?

To control the spacing between the last page and the GroupFooter in FastReport, you can use the `FooterDistance` property of the `GroupFooter` band. Simply set the value to the desired distance, and FastReport will take care of the rest!

What is the default spacing between the last page and the GroupFooter in FastReport?

By default, FastReport sets the spacing between the last page and the GroupFooter to 0. This means that the GroupFooter will be placed immediately after the last page of your report. However, you can adjust this value to suit your needs using the `FooterDistance` property.

Can I set a different spacing for each GroupFooter in my FastReport?

Yes, you can set a different spacing for each GroupFooter in your FastReport by using the `FooterDistance` property for each individual GroupFooter band. This allows you to customize the spacing for each group footer to fit your specific reporting needs.

How do I apply the spacing change to all GroupFooters in my FastReport?

To apply the spacing change to all GroupFooters in your FastReport, you can use the `FooterDistance` property in the `Report` object. This will set the default spacing for all GroupFooters in your report, and you can then override this value for individual GroupFooters as needed.

What happens if I set the FooterDistance property to a negative value?

If you set the `FooterDistance` property to a negative value, FastReport will ignore the setting and use the default spacing of 0 instead. It’s recommended to use positive values to ensure that your report layout is rendered correctly.

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